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Learning Pathways
We aim to make high-quality relevant training accessible for both clergy and lay persons to equip them to serve faithfully and responsibly in their roles in the Anglican Church in Belgium and beyond. Not every pathway is right for everyone, therefore we determine, in conversation with interested students, the best choices for them and assist them in accessing resources that help them achieve their goals.
The AIB provides its training in cooperation with world-class institutions of higher education to ensure a relevant education regardless of the pathway a student chooses. Contact us below to find out which learning pathway may be right for you!
Parish Administrators
The Belgian legal system requires Anglican parishes to adhere to guidelines concerning governance and finance. The AIB provides training and resources to parish administrators to fulfil their roles efficiently and faithfully in accordance with Belgian law.
Lay Leadership
Anglican churches in Belgium rely upon licensed lay readers and lay worship leaders. The AIB provides opportunites for those seeking to deepen their training for those ministries.
Religious Education Teachers
Anglican religious education is offered in Flemish schools. The AIB assists those seeking to train for this role, working together with CAGO vzw.
Chaplains: Prisons, Military, Healthcare
The AIB hosts training days for those serving as prison chaplains in Belgium and those interested in this ministry, both paid and volunteer.
The Anglican Church in Belgium is working towards having military and healthcare chaplains. As this becomes available the AIB will provide training for those ministries.
The AIB provides training, in cooperation with partner institutions preparing those already accepted for ordination by their canonical authority.
Consultations and Workshops
The AIB offers:
Parish consultations and workshops
Communities of practice
Learning Lab
Contact Us
Are you interested in training with the Anglican Institute in Belgium? Would you like to find out which pathway might best suit your particular needs? Do you have a general inquiry? Email us at registrar@anglican.be and we will be in touch shortly!
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